Saturday 19 March 2016

The art of how to make money online A Blessing from the Internet - forex trading news sites

The art of how to make money online A Blessing from the Internet ~ forex trading news sites

This article featured in the Daily Nation under the title “How you can use your skills to make income from the Internet”. Read along and discover the importance of being an expert on a particular niche before dreaming of making money online.
If you are thinking of making income from the Internet, here is news for you — it is not easy, nor is it a
magical gateway to riches. It is just a business like any other, only that it is on a different platform — the Internet.
Our article on how techpreneurs are making money
has elicited questions from readers, who want to know how one can make money online through the Internet without necessarily requiring to be a guru or tech-savvy.
The irreducible minimum requirements include a good Internet connection, a laptop or computer, and time — you will need to spend a significant amount of your time online, especially when you are starting.
It is important to remember, though, that some forms of making money online are good for those who want to make extra cash outside their formal jobs, while others can be harnessed to become full-time jobs.
According to Ms Rebecca Wanjiku, a well-known technology blogger in Kenya and former journalist, there are several tried and tested ways in which one can make money online.
These include, but are not limited to: blogging, reviewing products online, writing about an area of interest, and through advertising on your website or blog, if you already have one.
Below are the top five ways in which one can make money online in Kenya.
This involves setting up a website about a topic or subject that you are interested in and writing about it. This remains the easiest and fastest to set up.
Important to remember is the magic mix — great content that your target readers would love to read, leading to high online traffic (you need to make sure that as many people as possible are reading your blog) and people (the right target market).
It is free to set up. Many free blogging platforms such as Wordpress, Blogger, and Posterous exist where you can construct your platform. Some pioneers in this field include Ms Wanjiku, Mr Robert Alai, Mr Bobby Mwirigi, and Mr Joel Macharia.
Armed with your blog, advertising is one of the ways in which you can make money. According to Ms Dorothy Ooko, a communications professional, “Website/blog owners can also designate space on their sites to host third-party advertising and generate additional revenue. Google’s AdSense enables websites to automatically serve text and image ads that are precisely targeted to site content.”
To make good money from advertising, your site or blog must have high traffic — many people reading your blog or website. “Techmtaa” is a good pioneer in this.
This works well if you have a skill such as writing, photography, accounting skills, offering tutorials on a subject of your expertise, software development skills, or even cooking skills.
In freelancing, you offer your skills for a fee, and usually for jobs that can be done online. Writing about what you do and on content on your industry is a good way to get consultancy offers for example.
Affiliated Marketing
This entails selling other people’s products or services on your own site and directing traffic to their site. For every sale initiated by a link from your site, you earn a commission.
The important thing to remember is to choose a niche that you are passionate about. This way it becomes easier to write and research on the topic, and also to find companies with products that your readers would buy.
Another way of generating that much-needed extra cash is turning yourself into an “expert” on a given field. Firms could start consulting you at a fee on various scenarios.
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