A Free advice for the forex beginner take it or leave it ~ piattaforme trading forex demo
Below are some of the words inscribed in the epitaphs of the fallen forex traders.
Epitaph 1
He was a sentimental forex novice. He had this strange belief that the markets respected his feelings. He believed that the market movement would be predicated on how much he risked and that the more he risked the less likely he was to encounter a losing trade. His feelings dictated the kinds of trade set up he took. Whenever a trade went against him, he would close his position immediately. Whenever a trade was for him, he would move his trailing stop so fast that the best he ever got from the markets was the meager results of a break even point. No winning trades were ever encountered by this forex novice.
Epitaph 2
He was a forex beginner with two mouths and one ear. He was advised to demo trade before going live. He was reminded not to jump into the deep end of the pool before learning how to swim. All these lessons were given to him by expert traders. But he was so impatient and could not contain the thrill of entering a trade on a live chat. He was constantly reminded the dangers of trading the lower timeframes. But the thrill of opening and closing positions in a few minutes or in less than an hour and the desire to create quick money echoed over his single ear and deafened him to an extent that he became impervious to reason.
What words would you like inscribed on your epitaph as a forex trader? The above words portray forex beginners who were victims of their own design. A sentimental forex novice has no place in the realm of trading live forex charts. The market is not dictated by how you feel about your 100 dollars. Little or no regard at all is ever had to your investment by those external factors that control the markets.
A forex beginner with two mouths and one ear portrays the unwillingness to learn. He is preoccupied by how much he needs to make on a single trade than by how and when he should trade. When to enter a trade and how to exit a trade are two important things before the profits to be made is taken into account. The second epitaph shows a forex trader who believed that every hour was a forex trading hour. He had little regard for when to enter a trade which should only come after demo trading and mastering a particular forex trading strategy. It seems he was a victim to the numerous trading signals that form on the lower timeframes and lure you into the trap of losing trades.
As a forex beginner you must realize that you are still moldable. By taking time to read the numerous forex materials that are freely available all over the internet, you could be designing a customized traders ticket that will grant you a reserved traders sit and insure your survival in the forex traders hall longer than expected. If greed, feelings and an unwillingness to learn gets hold of you, then your death as a forex trader is already predicted and a foregone conclusion. The memorial builders might just as well request for a hearse and a grave for your burial before you begin trading. And trust me when I say that just like death in real life, resurrecting as a trader in this virtual sphere is next to impossible.
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You do not need huge capital to start trading. Open a trading account with NORDfx and trade both forex and binary options for only 10 dollars.
Call us today on 0725 050 419 for the best forex trading orientation.
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