Why I encourage Kenyan youths to learn how to trade forex and make money online ~ forex news trading academy
This forex article is mainly aimed at readers from Kenya. I therefore encourage any reader outside Kenya to click on any of the links provided at the end of this article for other relevant forex material. You do not need huge capital to start trading. Open a trading account with NORDfx and trade both forex and binary options for only 10 dollars.
A number of factors diminish the realistic chances of any Kenyan youth getting a job in the current set up. Below are some of the reasons why Kenyans should embrace the trading of forex as a way to making money online.
The tribal factor
Kenya is a nation made up of countries called tribes. Merit comes close to last and tribe is revered. This complicates matters for every unemployed Kenyan youth because none of them is spared from the tribal censorship when it comes to opportunities. Those that gain are a few who are closer to the tribal lords. You can reduce on the negative impact of tribalism upon your progress by beginning to study forex trading strategies so as to make money online. Forex is one of the best ways through which the youth can make money online. Your forex broker wont mind about your tribe. All he is concerned with are the spreads and commissions he is bound to get every time you enter a trade. The trades you lose or win in the forex market will have no bearing to your tribe. It is a free world here where you are only known as a forex trader and as one engaged in a honest job of making money online. The only distinction is whether you are a pro, beginner, retail or a financial institution. This is much easier to bear than the tribal emblem. Learn then how to trade forex in Kenya and beginning making money online.
1. Corruption
Corruption is part and parcel of the Kenyan system just like it was a national heritage. Toa Kitu Kidogo is a term constantly reminded to any individual seeking for a service. As a Kenyan youth you are tired of this state of affairs and would want to get something to lift you up without paying a bribe. Kindly learn how to trade forex and make money online and your days of misery will be gone before you know it. The forex market may have some unscrupulous forex brokers and populist forex tutors, but that is as bad as it can go. Compared to the Kenyan situation, you could call the online forex market a clean country where clean money is made on the virtual online sphere. There are in fact laws regulating the forex brokers and that implies that your forex trading capital is safe as long as you use a registered forex broker. In Kenya the stench of corruption has acquired a sense of normalcy and even the regulators with the duty to prevent corruption are themselves corrupt. Seek solace then in trading forex and make money online and be a part of the Kenyan youths succeeding despite the odds.